Sunday, October 2, 2011


As a family, we have done many things over the years. 3 years ago we bought a house in MExico NY and declared. WE ARE NEVER MOVING AGAIN. This was it, our homestead to retire on. We have put a lot of sweat into this little peace of land. We have built 2 barns, created a 1500 sq ft garden space and reclained at least 1/3 of the land that was scrub and weeds. We planted fruit trees and flower bulbs... But in God's Timing, and for God's plan, we are moving back to CT. William R Carr passed to be with the Lord in April of this year. My mother in law, whom I love and admire, is a very stong capable woman. The dilema arises when one realizes just how much MANLY stuff Bill occupied himself with between 2 homesteads. If he was not mowing the grass, or brush hoging the field, or fixing this, tinkering with that. He kept 2 households in repaired and brought in wood for the winter.  He is very much missed.  We will be relocating to the family farm, to pick up all the THINGS that need to be done. I personally am thrilled to be back near my family and am excited for the adventures to come.
So stay tuned. I am sure this move will be with many worthy tales to be told. Have the meffords ever done anything that did NOT result in a story to be told by TOM.... So stayed tuned.... ........

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